COVID-19 update: Our approach to installs
Posted by Ronja: Nov 09, 2021 • 4 min read
Below is a guide to our current working practices during the ongoing COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic (updated November 2021).
Over the past few months there have been some significant changes to the way we are all living with Covid-19.
Managing risk
During any installation, we need to effectively manage transmission risks, as we know that there are still many thousands of people carrying the infection, many of whom are unaware. We also need to follow the appropriate national guidance from the different authorities across the United Kingdom.
We continue to assess the risks of Covid-19 for our installation work, and respond to changes required as a response to local conditions.
We require all installers to be symptom-free before attending any installation. We will conduct a remote risk assessment to confirm what modifications or controls may be required to address Covid-19 during the installation.
We continue to require a ‘call ahead’ to check that there are no confirmed, isolating or vulnerable cases in the property, and continue to use good personal hygiene and distancing.
We may in some cases need to cancel jobs at short notice due to potential installer infection. We hope you will understand that this is for everyone's benefit.
In case we do need to adopt further restrictions, we will revert to a case-specific approach to carrying out both Homecharge and Commercial installations.
What this means for Homecharge installations
After payment, we will ask all customers to complete a pre-installation form. This is already part of our standard installation process but we will use the information provided to conduct a remote risk assessment.
If your installation is classified as:
Lower Risk - we will be able to progress your install.
In this case, we will contact you to let you know when your installation can take place.
Higher Risk - we will have to pause your install until we are able to reclassify it as Lower Risk.
Once your install is reclassified as Lower Risk we will contact you to schedule an install date. This will happen in line with government guidance and our ability to introduce new safety measures that decrease the risk level.
What this means for Commercial installations
We’ll ask you to assist us in the completion of a pre-installation, remote risk assessment which will allow us to classify your install and make necessary adjustments to address Covid-19 risks..This will be needed for all commercial installations.
If your installation is classified as:
Lower Risk - we will progress the installation as soon as possible.
Higher Risk - the installation will either be postponed until it can be reclassified as Lower Risk (in line with evolving government guidance and our ability to introduce additional safety measures that decrease the risk level) or cancelled.
Alternatively, you can place a supply only order, which we can ship to you regardless of risk category.
Maintenance and survey activity
Maintenance and survey activity will proceed across all site types, however, each activity will again be subject to a remote risk assessment.
About our remote risk assessment process
Our remote risk assessment process has the goal of limiting contact between our team and customers to prevent further spread of the virus, while allowing us to complete installations where safe to do so.
This process will evolve in line with government guidance and our ability to introduce additional safety measures (e.g. Face Shields as well as Masks) that protect our team and customers.
We’re still following robust safety measures, including social distancing requirements during installation and an effective hygiene and PPE regime for our installers. In all cases, scheduling is dependent upon these measures being followed.
We expect that our updated operating protocols will make it possible to do all installation and maintenance work, but if we do have short notice cancellations, we apologise for any inconvenience caused to those customers who will need to wait a bit longer.
In what is a challenging time, we appreciate your understanding as we do our best to balance the needs of drivers and businesses with the duty of care we have for our team and those we install for.
We hope that you, your friends and families are keeping safe and well.
We remain committed to our vision of a world where travel doesn’t damage the earth and to protecting the health of our customers, team and wider society.
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