So your tenants want electric car charging. What now?
Posted by David: Jan 24, 2023 • 2 min read
Did you know residential landlords or property managers could claim 75% off the costs of installing EV chargepoints? Well now you do!
Walking along the UK streets, it’s hard not to notice the growing number of electric vehicles (EVs) on the roads.
Obviously, we love the fact that people up and down are embracing the EV revolution! However, we also know this presents a significant challenge for businesses to provide sufficient charging infrastructure to meet this ever-growing demand.
Residential landlords in particular are no doubt already inundated with requests from their tenants to get EV chargepoints installed in the building’s car park.
Fortunately, the government’s Office for Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV) has created a couple of grants to make it more affordable to install them.
The OZEV EV chargepoint and infrastructure grant for landlords
This is one of the grants aimed at anyone leasing, renting or managing a property.
Using it, landlords or property managers can reduce the cost of installing a charger by 75%, up to £350 per charger. They can claim up to 200 grants per financial year for residential properties. An important caveat for this grant is the building can’t have a mixture of residential and commercial properties; it must be purely one or the other.
It’s also limited to one application per building, although they can apply for subsequent installations at the same property at a later date if needed.
Infrastructure grant for residential car parks
This is specifically aimed at landlords and property managers of residential buildings.
Unlike the OZEV grant above, the grant can only be claimed when charging infrastructure is installed to a minimum of 5 parking spaces. However:
- Only 1 of these 5 spaces needs to have an active chargepoint installed
- The remaining 4 only need the passive infrastructure such as cabling installed
Using this grant, property managers can claim up to £30,000 or 75% of the installation costs, with the reduction varying depending on whether the space has a chargepoint or just the cabling:
- Up to £350 per active parking space (i.e. cabling and the chargepoint)
- Up to £500 per passive parking space (i.e. just cabling)
Not sure which grant to go for?
If you’re unsure which grant to claim, don’t worry! Simply get in contact with our expert team and we’ll run through the details of the property to guide you to the right grant.
Alternatively, your tenants may be able to claim a separate grant
As well as the above grants, OZEV created a separate grant - the EV Chargepoint Grant - specifically for people living in flats.
It’s available to both renters and people who own the flat/apartment, and could lower the cost of purchasing and installing a chargepoint by up to £350.
Find out more about the OZEV EV chargepoint grant for people living in flats or renting accommodation.
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